Leader & 
Team Player

Candidate Statement

My goals as Democrats Abroad DNC Delegate would be to.......

Grow top-of-mind awareness and recognition of DA and its contributions to our Party
Advocate for the unique issues of Americans Abroad
Build alliances as leverage to meet our objectives and amplify our messages
Contribute my knowledge of issues, ability to work strategically with diverse individuals & teams, and extensive experience with political and advocacy campaigns, to forward DA objectives.

A little about me.

I have been politically attuned from childhood, my grandmother was Permanent Clerk of the Connecticut Legislature and my father was the first communications leader of the Connecticut DEP. I’ve served as a volunteer and on the boards of national and local organizations as well as served as a staff member on campaigns. I’ve volunteered while working in Marketing (at ad agencies in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco and at Bank of America as Senior Vice President for Advertising & Marketing Communications) as well as in my second career as owner of a business that included children's creative materials, activities and classes.  (This was the period of time during which I learned the most about honesty, generosity and genuine friendship, caring and respect).

I joined Democrats Abroad after moving to France from California in 2019 and quickly became very active, serving on three Caucus Steering Committees (Women’s, Disability & Senior) (as a founding member on two of them),  as well as on the Medicare Portability Task Force, 2020 Global Comms team and the current Affirmative Action Committee.  I have organized a large variety of events (with speakers or in collaboration with other caucuses and teams, consistently attended ExCom and other meetings, and contributed to our platform.  

This is what I call retirement.  I feel a deep sense of purpose in doing whatever I can to keep the world healthy, safe, sustainable and at peace.  For everyone.  I believe there are endless ways we can flourish; as individuals, as a nation and as a global citizenry.  We must focus on developing globally and nationally shared values and principles, working collaboratively to achieve them and sharing equally in what we create and what we gain. And, without question, how to inform, motivate and otherwise help voters vote for good Democratic candidates.

I strongly believe that as Democrats Abroad we are uniquely situated to help make these goals a reality, contributing our awareness, agility and skills on behalf of U.S. citizens everywhere as well as those with whom we co-exist. I am committed to doing my utmost (even including traveling!) to strengthen Democrats Abroad, the Democratic Party, and to protect Democracy itself.



Take care,



Short Bio:  marnie - bio - Google Docs


Founding Member & Chair, Global Disability Caucus

Founding Member & Member of Steering Committee, Global Senior Caucus

Past member  Steering Committe, Global Women's Caucus  (Violence Against Women)

Member Affirmative Action Committee

Past member of Global Communications Team

Contributor, Democrats Abroad Platform

Steering Committee, Medicare Portability Task Force


      1) Linked In

     2) Resume

      3)  Emails         




  One of my goals as a Democrats Abroad DNC member would be to facilitate an on-going dialogue between our members and the      DNC membership, including other committees, caucuses, state organizations and staff.  I'd like to go beyond the twice yearly town  halls and have on-going conversations.  If elected, I would want to be a real conduit in efforts to build top-of-mind awareness of  Democrats Abroad, who we are, what we've done and what we can accomplish for the Democratic Party.

 I would also plan to be a strong advocate for the unique needs of U.S. citizens abroad and want to work with membership          clarify and dimensionalize the full range of these issues and to strive for solutions as well as full recognition that we need to      considered in the development of all legislation.and executive decision-making.

  Of course, this would also involve aasistance in identifying and being in touch with citizens outside of our membership.

  With that we can grow, influence and win.








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